Can you help repurpose this church into our new masjid?

Sponsor 1 sq. ft. for only $250!

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Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam ala Rasulillah

As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu

Join us in building a vibrant Islamic center for our growing community! After serving the community for the sake of Allah for over 20 years, Bin Abbas Mosque is now on the verge of acquiring a church, which will serve as our new masjid and an educational hub for our children, In Shaa Allah! With a capacity to accommodate over 1000 worshippers, our vision extends beyond prayers, as we aspire to establish a premier school and a center for Islamic knowledge that benefits the wider community.

The demand for our services has multiplied, and the time has come to secure the current structure and transform it into a magnificent masjid. To make this dream a reality, we rely on your invaluable support. We humbly request your contribution to help us raise the necessary funds for purchasing this property.

Join hands with us today and help shape the future of our community through your generosity. Together, we can build a sacred space where faith thrives and knowledge enlightens. Click here to donate now to make a lasting impact!

For more information contact us